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The best learning occurs through the connections we make with others. These connections are enriched through the sharing and appreciation of different cultures. We welcome families from all countries and faiths.

As a Lutheran Church school, our teaching and practices are underpinned by our Christian faith and spirituality. Opening our hearts and minds to others is a part of our ethos and we warmly embrace people of differing backgrounds into our school community.

We have done this for over seventy years since Australia’s post-war immigration of the 1950s saw an influx of students to our school from European migrant and refugee families. During that time, we also welcomed our first Aboriginal students.

Today, our Strategic Plan highlights our commitment to promoting diversity and intercultural understanding.

We enact this commitment in many ways including the naming of buildings, appreciating the Traditional Native Title Holders of our country. Our international program ensures overseas students are warmly welcomed into our community by local students, staff and families. We actively foster our students’ understanding of and support for other cultures. Senior School trips have included exchanges with Germany; music tours to France, Belgium and Japan; and service-learning trips to South Africa, Fiji and Cambodia.

We invite your family to join us.